Mistakes to Avoid on the Web

Do you know how to ensure that your website gains a strong foothold on the Internet and secures regular customers and readers? Start by avoiding common mistakesthat can put off site visitors before they even click on your site for the first time.
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Above all, keep it simple.12]
The easiest way is to choose the right tools
to build your site. Doing so will give you a significant competitive advantage. The majority of Internet users do not follow trendy web designs.
Websites have no plans or goals
Quality websites these days cannot exist without preparation.
ü For whom are websites created?
ü What look and feel will appeal to readers and visitors?
ü What can the website offer visitors?
ü What are the goals of the website?
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In other words, before you start building your website, answer the following questions.

ü What kind of website do you want?
ü What content do you want to offer your visitors?
ü What are your goals?
A clear home page
The home page is one of the most important things on a website. A prominent headline is the foundation of the home page and introduces the home page theme to the visitor. It is critical to capture the visitor\’s attention and pique his or her interest. Headings and subheadings, or slogans, on the home page are ideal for this.

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ü Menusare also very important on a website. The menu itself should not have too many items. The ideal number of items is up to eight, with the exception of the e-shop. At the same time, it should be easy for visitors to understand.
ü Above all, think of the home page of a website as a kind of store window. In other words, it represents the level of the website. Therefore, the clearer the page, the better everything else will be and the more essential will stand out.