Are people inherently xenophobic?

It is a sad fact that virtually all people are fundamentally xenophobic. Certainly, many of them work hard to overcome this and not give in to these instincts. But that does not mean that they do not have their instincts. This is also why protests against racial discrimination are often so massive: they are a way for people to “get away with it.This fact is confirmed by scientific experiments that convince subjects that an alien space civilization has landed on our planet. All the subjects were more or less disgusted by the “visitors,” even though they had not yet met them.


But as ridiculous as it may seem to us today, in the days when we lived in packs as hunter-gatherers, this quality was crucial to our survival …] For if we came across another tribe or unknown animal, it was a much better strategy to assume the worst, i.e., that we would be attacked, than to assume the best and be destroyed.

We still have these instincts today, although they are no longer needed. But the instinct is within us to distrust anything that is different from us. And the more alien it is, the more a given species, be it human or alien, deserves distrust.

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This is aided by our basic desire to generalize. An animal with long, sharp tusks is likely to be dangerous and not worth trying to see if it is possible to approach. Today, it is different. Still, the old instincts are at work.

This can be easily demonstrated with real examples. For example, if we hear that a person of Roma nationality or dark skin color has stolen something from us or committed a crime, we automatically distrust people with the same characteristics.

However, even if a white person commits a similar act, this is an exception, and we usually unconsciously avoid other whites because we know very well that most whites just want to live in peace and We do not avoid them. But if we extend this attitude to the other races of humanity, the world is bound to be a better place.