Christmas Drinks To spice up the winter season

In winter most we are long for a warm up. And what else warms up than a warm drink. Prepare a delicious and warm Christmas drink that will please your body and soul on a cold winter day. It can also be made with alcohol, but some people do not want to use alcohol.
Hot drinks without alcohol
Hot Chocolate
Put milk or dark chocolate in a saucepan and shatter. Pour the cream over the chocolate pieces. Heat until the chocolate melts. Stir until desired consistency or add more chocolate for greater density. On the contrary, to dilute the drink, you can use whole milk.

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Warm milk with cinnamon
It remains only to heat the milk, add cinnamon and taste. You can also add other ingredients to your taste to prepare a delicious drink that will please your sweet tooth.
Ginger Drink with Turmeric
Pour a glass of water into the pan, add 1 piece of grated ginger, 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric and bring to a boil. After that, remove from the heat and leave for 10 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice to taste. Mix well.
Hot drink with alcohol
Please choose your favorite wine. Red is ideal, but you can also make it white. Add a special mixture of spices designed specifically for Glüvein. You can also add sugar. If you cook easily, the welder will be ready. Note, the temperature should not exceed 70 ° C, so try not to run out of alcohol.
Orange Punch
Please use 1/4l of your favorite tea that you usually drink. Add the cloves, cinnamon and sugar to taste. To do this, add orange juice, orange liqueur and rum.Bring the mixture to a boil, filter and pour into a mug.


Pour 0.5 dl rum into a glass, add 3 sugar cubes, pour 1-1.5dl of hot water, add a slice of lemon and mix.
Immerse yourself in the Christmas atmosphere and enjoy the winter season even when it\’s freezing outside. Snuggle under a blanket that doesn\’t have to be cold and enjoy a cup of your chosen drink that warms you with your body and soul.