Computer Science in Schools

Making a really good website is really hard sometimes. I remember my brother telling me that in his computer course he was going to learn how to make e-shops and quality websites. I have to admit, I laughed my ass off. My brother and computers? Because my brother always flunked computer science in elementary school. But he really liked computers and computer science. I couldn\’t do it at all. I didn\’t understand it at all.

Umíte udělat webové stránky?

And I didn\’t even learn it in elementary school, and if I had, I think I could have built an e-shop or an easy to understand website afterwards. If you\’re going to make a website for somebody, if you don\’t know the basics, or if you only know the basics, if you only do half of everything, that\’s really bad and stupid.

Mít kvalitní web je základ.

In other words, there is nothing of interest out there. You must also leave space for marketing and advertising. For example, you could put ads from your website on social networks, especially social networks. Because that is where a lot of middle-aged and older people really congregate. Most of them are middle-aged and older, then the younger age group, and the third category is the older age group, which makes total sense. Younger generations have an even greater advantage, and the website should always be really well done.