Meadows instead of lawns

Green lawns are meadows for the human eye, but not for the insect eye. Butterflies and bees are not so happy anymore. A lawn without flowers can be taken care of for a long time, even if it has made us happy. Just buy grass seeds for pastures and sow them, if not everywhere, at least in a part of the garden. What are the advantages of garden pasture?

ruská holčička

·It attracts bees and butterflies and thus ensures pollination thereby supporting the life of insects.

·It attracts crickets and grasshoppers, so take care of a beautiful evening concert.

·They will entertain small children.Whether you are a parent or a grandparent, or just babysitting children from time to time, know that pasture is a place that encourages play and keeps young children entertained for a long time.

·Great relaxation,The view of the blooming meadows pleases the eyes of many. In this way, you can get acquainted with new species of beetles, etc.

·Herbs within reach. Today, I think everyone knows that herbs have beneficial effects on our health. In the pasture you can find many medicinal herbs, including nettle, plantain and counter nettle.
okrasné trávy

Sometimes, perhaps, we unnecessarily stare at the green lawn and anxiously get rid of all the dandelions we like. Flowers provide nectar for bees, and honey is delicious. The meadow can live its own life and it is beautiful to find a garden space where we grow flowers and grass without intervention. Insects are pleased with our thoughts and are happy that there is life in our garden.
luční květy

What grass seeds to buy?

Není dnes problém sehnat osivo speciálný určené pro věsadbu louky. Směsi určené k založení louky nesou názvy například:luční směs,chalupářská louka,zahradní loučka,květnatá louka. V popisu sločení nalezneme informaci,jaké druhy travči bylin ve smúsi najdeme. Osivo měeme volit také podle typu pědy,kterou na zahradě máme. Vybírat mřeme z menřích balení,po ty obřích rozměrě. Pokud nám jde pededevším o druhovou pestrost naší louky i na toto vrobrobci myslí,nkkteré smsisi pro náročné čítají nkkolik desítek druh b bylin, trav.



Meadows instead of lawns

Green lawns are meadows for the human eye, but not for the insect eye. Butterflies and bees are not so happy anymore. A lawn without flowers can be taken care of for a long time, even if it has made us happy. Just buy grass seeds for pastures and sow them, if not everywhere, at least in a part of the garden. What are the advantages of garden pasture?

ruská holčička

·It attracts bees and butterflies and thus ensures pollination thereby supporting the life of insects.

·It attracts crickets and grasshoppers, so take care of a beautiful evening concert.

·They will entertain small children.Whether you are a parent or a grandparent, or just babysitting children from time to time, know that pasture is a place that encourages play and keeps young children entertained for a long time.

·Great relaxation,The view of the blooming meadows pleases the eyes of many. In this way, you can get acquainted with new species of beetles, etc.

·Herbs within reach. Today, I think everyone knows that herbs have beneficial effects on our health. In the pasture you can find many medicinal herbs, including nettle, plantain and counter nettle.
okrasné trávy

Sometimes, perhaps, we unnecessarily stare at the green lawn and anxiously get rid of all the dandelions we like. Flowers provide nectar for bees, and honey is delicious. The meadow can live its own life and it is beautiful to find a garden space where we grow flowers and grass without intervention. Insects are pleased with our thoughts and are happy that there is life in our garden.
luční květy

What grass seeds to buy?

Není dnes problém sehnat osivo speciálný určené pro věsadbu louky. Směsi určené k založení louky nesou názvy například:luční směs,chalupářská louka,zahradní loučka,květnatá louka. V popisu sločení nalezneme informaci,jaké druhy travči bylin ve smúsi najdeme. Osivo měeme volit také podle typu pědy,kterou na zahradě máme. Vybírat mřeme z menřích balení,po ty obřích rozměrě. Pokud nám jde pededevším o druhovou pestrost naší louky i na toto vrobrobci myslí,nkkteré smsisi pro náročné čítají nkkolik desítek druh b bylin, trav.

