Papír je nový plast

Všude odstřižky,kousky izolepy, neustálé pesesouvání zvíececích mazlíčk–tak vypadá klasické balení dárk.. Select ušet siEte si práci do starosti,p韓国es Korea pededávejte dárky vkrásnchch,originálních,ekologickさch papírovさch taškách[8″.※ Ecologique a Récyclovaterne V dnešní dob se se naše společnost začínáodvracet od plast [,které znečišťují prostededí,hromadí se v oceánech,dostávají se i naší potravy ve form mik mikročásteček. Kdo jde s dobo,jen […]

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The counterfeiter of money, he has hard bread

Since currency was created, so was the idea of how it could be counterfeited. Some of the workshops of coin counterfeiting still remain on our territory.– Today they are considered interesting tourist attractions, but at the time they played their part, they were not so welcoming. [on the contrary,– if someone committed the crime of […]

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Step by Step to a Perfectly Clean Pool

Often forgotten and highly neglected, however, is to always shower before entering the pool. This is to prevent dust, dirt, and sunscreen from entering the pool, which can adversely affect the cleanliness of the water. It is equally important to keep an eye on children, especially young children, to prevent them from throwing sand into […]

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Panic attacks

We often live in hectic times where huge demands are placed on us. Paradoxically, progress does not increase the time we spend with our loved ones or with the activities we enjoy, but actually throws us into even greater rush and bustle The stress we experience is often huge but completely unnecessary. We become slaves […]

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Science and the Perpetrators

Men in particular, sometimes known as playthings, tinker eagerly with cars, motorcycles, and other technological devices, their hands covered in grease and dirt and their faces full of excitement. Those who are really good at it become scientists and engineers, inventors of useful innovations. These are the people whose enthusiasm hopelessly outweighs their talent, and […]

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