Nutrition of Children

Healthy nutrition for children is a perfect science. Pregnant mothers spend much of their time reading books on how to provide proper guidance and education for their developing children. However, equal attention should be given to researching how to provide proper nutrition so that the baby truly grows up healthy.At first glance, it doesn\’t seem […]

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Spray to speed up manicure drying

Well-groomed nails are everyone\’s calling card. However, painting and carefully grooming nails is more of a woman\’s prerogative. The higher the position, the more careful one has to be about one\’s appearance. However, it depends on the job. For example, if you are dealing with people as a clerk in a bank or post office, […]

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Do you know how to buy a T-shirt?

The name T-shirt comes from the T-shaped cut; in the 19th century, the underwear worn by “undershirts” was essentially a type of overalls. Later, workers in various working environments, especially in hot places or in the fields, began to wear only “upper garments” that they had cut themselves. Clothing companies noticed this and began to […]

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Manufacturers are switching to peas to meet the growing demand for protein.

The powder formed after the previous procedure is then added to waffles, sports drinks, nutrition bars and protein shakes. These are just one of the results of pressure from the world\’s largest agricultural companies to find alternative plant-based proteins that will serve as food for people and livestock around the world “Peas are a promising […]

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Zero waste bottles

A bottle of water is the most valuable thing that can be carried on a trip or walk in the summer. But it\’s not just summer. You should drink water throughout the day, so it\’s a good idea to have at least 1. But plastic bottles have a huge impact on the environment. Therefore, instead […]

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Alcohol sales regulations are being tightened!

The country\’s media have already reported a humorous anabasis of selling rum truffles for 35 kronor. However, this is not a personal decision by the chain\’s employees, but a completely new, totally serious and thoughtful measure, requiring employees to carefully control the appearance of not only the alcohol, but also the appearance of those who […]

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