Science and the Perpetrators

Men in particular, sometimes known as playthings, tinker eagerly with cars, motorcycles, and other technological devices, their hands covered in grease and dirt and their faces full of excitement. Those who are really good at it become scientists and engineers, inventors of useful innovations. These are the people whose enthusiasm hopelessly outweighs their talent, and […]

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DNA can repair itself

Deoxyribonucleic acid, as its name implies, carries genetic information. It carries information about our eye color, body shape, and even information about proper diet and birth defects. Deoxyribonucleic acids encode all the proteins in our bodies. And proteins represent functions such as hormones, antibodies, and structural units like hair and nails. [And they are responsible […]

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Psychological Issues in Weight Loss and Healthy Lifestyles

The answer to the question of whether our psychology can influence weight loss is of course “yes.” We are talking here about many factors that only scientists who have studied this subject and conducted relevant research can explain to us in a truthful and factual way. But let me list a few situations in which […]

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VdaDa, móda

From Vědycky m。 to blíče táhlokvddě. Měla jsem ráda odborné knihy a taky jsem rádačetla rěznévěci,které byly velmi zajímavě. byla to Hlavn histor historie módy. Ano, there is Taki historical módy. From Vědycky mě to hodn z zajímalo. Proto jsem taky múla velmi ráda staré filmy anebo pohádky,které se odehrávaly t mineba v minulém nebo […]

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Kretschmerova teorie temperamentu

německělékaš a psychiatrErst Kretschmer(1888-1964)se v roce1921publikováním svépráce s názvem “Kオルペルバウ・ウント・シャラクター・シャラクター・シャラクタ・シャラクタ・シャラクタ・シャラクタ” nesmazateln〈zapsal〉は私の心理学を行います。 I když je jeho teorie nevědecká、jde事実上の”pouze”o soubor autorových postřehů、myšlenek bez pevné opory v jiném odvětví vědy,jistě si mnozí z vás na konci těchto řádků řeknou”Vždyť takového člověka znám.“. Kretschmerova teorie rozděluje lidi,respektive jejich mix(tj. “dynamika”psychiky jedince,uršuje míru pročívání emocí a stabilitu chování)na3skupiny a to […]

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HIV-positive sperm donors

The world\’s first sperm bank to accept sperm from HIV-positive sperm donors has opened in New Zealand. The project was called “sperm positive.””Through this project, sperm donors who are actually HIV positive can, technically speaking, report. HIV is an incurable disease that is transmitted through blood or sexual contact. The disease is now incurable, causing […]

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Why global Climate Change is such a Problem

Everyone has heard the word global warming. But few people have an exact idea of what this means. Most people think it\’s just going to be warm – and what\’s the problem? After all, plants thrive better in warm weather, right? Unfortunately, it is not so simple. “Global Warming” is not an exact name. Much […]

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Astronomy – Phases of the Moon and Tidal Phenomena

The Moon, a faithful contemporary of the Earth, revolves around its own axis and orbits the Earth 360° in the same amount of time, 27.3 Earth days. In its orbital cycle from new moon to new moon, the moon orbits the earth (counterclockwise) in 29.5 days, while the earth rotates about 30° during that time, […]

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Grandpa’s Science

Science has always been my hobby. In that respect, I was just like my grandfather. My grandfather is a scientist and a very accomplished man. He lectures at three different universities and does all sorts of online calls with people interested in science. I think that is great and I am very proud to have […]

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