Astronomy – Phases of the Moon and Tidal Phenomena

The Moon, a faithful contemporary of the Earth, revolves around its own axis and orbits the Earth 360° in the same amount of time, 27.3 Earth days. In its orbital cycle from new moon to new moon, the moon orbits the earth (counterclockwise) in 29.5 days, while the earth rotates about 30° during that time, […]

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Grandpa’s Science

Science has always been my hobby. In that respect, I was just like my grandfather. My grandfather is a scientist and a very accomplished man. He lectures at three different universities and does all sorts of online calls with people interested in science. I think that is great and I am very proud to have […]

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The biggest problem with today’s landscape

The sad fact is that the Czech landscape has to deal with many different problems. Some have arisen only recently, others are of a more long-term nature. But all of them have a negative impact not only on nature itself, but also indirectly on our human quality of life and health. Let us look at […]

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9th planet of our solar system

Probably everyone remembers the order of the planets in our solar system from elementary school. No wonder scientists were shocked to discover dark bodies beyond Neptune\’s orbit. The orbits of the planets closer to the sun are almost perfectly circular, like Mercury, but the further away a planet is from the sun, the more its […]

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Science and Research in College

The image of studying at university is often at odds with reality. The more a student engages in scientific work in the department in which he or she is enrolled, the more he or she learns about the field. Why is this? And why is so much emphasis placed on research and thesis work? Research […]

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Did the ancients have advanced technology?

Ancient peoples such as the Egyptians and Mayans have fascinated humanity for a very long time. It is just as well, for they were able to build structures that we still marvel at today, and at the same time they were well versed in the medicine and astronomy of their time.No wonder many are convinced […]

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Science for Kids

When I was little I was very interested in books. I like books very much. Not ordinary books, but picture books. I also liked picture books. I mean, I was a kid, so I liked books with stories, but I also liked encyclopedias. Especially encyclopedias with pictures. I loved looking at encyclopedias. To make matters […]

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Did the ancients know electricity?

Many people believe that extinct ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we think. For example, the fact that the ancient Egyptians knew electricity is considered clear evidence of this. According to them, surviving frescoes in ancient temples, for example, depict something very similar to today\’s light bulbs, which proves this. Another, more convincing evidence […]

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How to do science

Do you understand science and some scientific laws? And were you ever interested in science? I was as a child. I loved tinkering with toys and doing all kinds of experiments with cannons and surgical toys. You may laugh at me, but it\’s true. When I was a little older and we would get together […]

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