Wardrobe detox is a must

According to research, every woman has at least 20 percent of the clothes she does not wear. That\’s why it\’s important to clean these things up. Unfortunately, cleaning the wardrobe is a very unpleasant problem not only for most women, but also for men. Always this work is postponed, but even such a detox in […]

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Drones delivering mail, robots in stores

Amazon drones – Amazon engineers have filed many exotic patents in recent years describing all manner of delivery drone operations. [At one time it was a giant blimp, at another it was a parachute parcel system. In early August of this year, the USPTO filed another patent application, expanding the patent registration to.– Freight trains […]

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New Technologies for Smart Parking in Cities

If there is no place to park, you have to drive back and forth to find an available space, wasting a lot of time and energy. A system that alerts the car when a parking space is available would solve this situation to some extent.This topic was discussed, for example, at the Smart City Expo […]

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Myslím si、že dnešní doba je tak technicky pokročilá,že někdo吐阿仁nemůže uvěřit,エールvěřteホリデイ-インサラトガスプリže je東邦ještě více,než si dokážete představit. このような状況の中で、私たちはあなたのために何かをしたいと思っています。 A tak třeba například horkovzdušnáfritéza. Ještě před rokem、půl実験力学vůbec nevěděla že nějaká horkovzdušná fritéza existuje. A protože実験力学opravdu hodně na zdravý životní styl na zdravou výživu tak実験力学si horkovzdušnou fritézu musela pořídit. A hlavně kvůli吐že se tam nemusí dávat vůbec žádný olej、žádný […]

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How Toilets Evolved

Ever since people stopped living nomadic lives, they have been struggling with where to dispose of their excreta. It did not take long to discover that excrement not only smells bad, but also causes health problems. Therefore, it had to be disposed of in some way. So the first toilets were built.These were by no […]

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Cutting and planing wood

In sawmills where logs are processed, all wood must be sorted. This produces several sizes of lumber of varying quality. Lumber is sorted by size before drying and sorted by quality after drying. Lumber is graded by quality. Lumber is graded according to quality, that is, according to defects, shape stability, and required strength of […]

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