How to recognize Internet trolls

The Internet is not as nice a place as we might expect. This mainly applies to discussions and comments, especially if they are not moderated. In general, on the Internet, anyone can write almost anything, as long as there is no violation of the law. Often they are not punished because the police often do […]

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Pehehledné webové stránky

Někdy pijijdečas anebo taková doba,kdy i vy budete potebebovat ud weblat webové stránky. A povím vám,še neníčplně jednoduché si udělat vlastní webové stránky,tedy pokud nejste odborník anebo se v tom nevyznáte. Tak někdy určitý budete potčebovat pomoc někoho,kdo se v tom vyzná. Větete,že když budete mít opravdu nekvalitní, nepehehledné webové stránky tak has bude mít […]

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Internet advertising, both beneficial and annoying

The current digital age has brought the need to be “seen” not only for all businesses and politicians, but also for artists and those who need to be “seen.” Different times require different methods of presentation; in the early 1990s, public relations was limited to print media and television, but today the situation is radically […]

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4K for a successful website

Website development is not in vain, even if you might think so. You should see it as a useful investment in the future. Why? Just because the user creates a first impression in about 1 second. And it\’s only so much time that you have to be interested in him. How to do it. The […]

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The Internet as Income

Many of us simply wonder how to earn finances. Most of us are machines that get a particular job, training, and spend several years in a row. But if you think about it, there are many of us who have left the shackles of security behind and ventured out into the business world ourselves. For […]

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Interesting Website Tips for Women

Women are curious creatures, and they like to find useful information for their lives. They often have questions about their appearance, relationships, and other aspects of their daily lives. Most of the time, when they don\’t have time to discuss it with friends or other women, they search for information on the Internet. If I […]

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Protect Your Privacy

Do you feel like people are communicating less and less face to face these days? Unfortunately, it is not just a feeling. Modernity has brought us many electronic devices and they have literally swallowed us up. However, there are two sides to everything in life, and this is no exception. So how can we maintain […]

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EDNS Transition to New Standards

DNS servers are necessary to make everything understandable in the Internet world and to maintain the uniqueness and identity of its various parts. a DNS server is, simply put, a translation tool that translates text web addresses into numeric codes into a numerical code. DNS servers have been in use worldwide for about 30 years. […]

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